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Unhandled Exception: [cloud_firestore/unknown] Unable to establish connection on channel

I am trying to add google_sign_in functionality in my app and when i add details of my account it shows error in console and i am not redirected to another screen.

this is my code

class AuthMethods {
  final FirebaseAuth auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;

  getCurrentUser() async {
    return auth.currentUser;

  signInWithGoogle(BuildContext context) async {
    final FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
    final GoogleSignIn googleSignIn = GoogleSignIn();

    final GoogleSignInAccount? googleSignInAccount =
        await googleSignIn.signIn();

    final GoogleSignInAuthentication? googleSignInAuthentication =
        await googleSignInAccount?.authentication;

    final AuthCredential credential = GoogleAuthProvider.credential(
        idToken: googleSignInAuthentication?.idToken,
        accessToken: googleSignInAuthentication?.accessToken);

    UserCredential result = await firebaseAuth.signInWithCredential(credential);

    User? userDetails = result.user;

    if (result != null) {
      Map<String, dynamic> userInfoMap = {
        "email": userDetails!.email,
        "name": userDetails.displayName,
        "imgUrl": userDetails.photoURL,
        "id": userDetails.uid
      await DatabaseMethods()
          .addUser(userDetails.uid, userInfoMap)
          .then((value) {
            context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => const GoogleUserInfo()));

class DatabaseMethods {
  Future addUser(String userId, Map<String, dynamic> userInfoMap) {
    return FirebaseFirestore.instance

i have tried updating the outdated dependencies, also tried flutter clean and flutter pub get commands still issue persists.


  • This is primarily because you havent restarted your emulator or testing device.

    1. In your terminal, `flutter clean`
    2. Go to your `pubspec.yaml`, and update all the dependencies to the latest version by `pub get` then `pub upgrade`.
    3. If in VS Code, restart your emulator and VS code completely. 
    4. If in Android Studio, go to File> Invalidate Caches> Check true to all the values you see in dialog and let it restart.
    5. Try again and it will run.