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Quality of geocoding in R with censusxy?

I am trying to geocode addresses using the package "censusxy." An example of how I do this is:

address<-tibble(street="295 Cow Hill Road", city="Mystic", state="CT")
address_geo<-cxy_geocode(address, street="street", city="city", state="state", output="full")

One of the columns of address_geo is "cxy_quality." Does anyone know what is the full set of values this variable "cxy_quality" can take on? I have only seen it take on the value "Exact", but I am not sure if it takes on other values (e.g., semi-Exact)?


  • Converting solution from a comment to an answer:

    cxy_quality represents the TIGER MATCH TYPE field outputted by the geocoding API, which is binary (Exact/Not Exact), per the Census Geocoder User Guide (pg. 31). The censuscy package has also been archived at the request of the maintainer - I would recommend switching over to another package such as tidygeocoder. – cristian-vargas 2024-07-08 18:02:48Z