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Excel: Print exact name found from the list for exact date

Let's say I have a table with dates (all the calendar dates for 2024) and names (divided into columns):


Date Names
01 Jan Aaa Bbb Vvv
02 Jan Ccc
03 Jan Ddd

I also have a list of some employee' names (current employees, names can be changed in future):



I would like to check if employee from the sheet Employees ("Aaa" for example) is in the AllNames sheet/table for an exact date. And if so, then print their name (or multiple names if several employees found for that date) near to that date:


Date Math?
01 Jan Aaa, Vvv
02 Jan Ccc
03 Jan -

Format of columns, sheets and rows is not important.


I tried this and it shows if a name is found from AllNames table, but that's my top of idea that did not come further.


  • You could try using the following formula:

    enter image description here

     LET(a, TOCOL(Employees!A:A,1),
     TEXTJOIN(", ",1,IF(FILTER(AllNames!B2:G7,AllNames!A2:A7=b,"")=a,a,"")))))

    But it is better to use Structured References aka Tables here instead of using the whole array. Therefore convert the each sources in sheets AllNames and Employees to tables.

     LET(a, TOCOL(Employees,1),
     TEXTJOIN(", ",1,IF(FILTER(DROP(AllNames,,1),TAKE(AllNames,,1)=b,"")=a,a,"")))))

    And if you don't have access to LAMBDA() helper functions could use the following:

    =IFERROR(TEXTJOIN(", ",1,XLOOKUP(INDEX(AllNames[[Name1]:[Name6]],MATCH(Calendar!A1,AllNames[Date],0),),Employees[Emp],Employees[Emp],"")),"")