I'm encountering a difference in text spacing between the design view in my emulator and the actual app running on a real device. The text appears to have more spacing between characters and lines in the emulator compared to the device (screenshots attached).
modifier = Modifier.padding(25.dp).fillMaxSize(),
text = "Park Street, San jose, California, United States ark Street, San jose, California, United States Park Street, San jose, California, United States ark Street, San jose, California, United States Park Street, San jose, California, United States ark Street, San jose, California, United States ",
fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
fontSize = 11.sp,
color = DarkBlue1,
overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
Also found out that if we run it as a preview it works in emulator but not as a full app run
I found the solution. The issue was due to includeFontPadding parameter in style tag. Update code as below to resolve it. Using same textview as the question
modifier = Modifier.padding(25.dp).fillMaxSize(),
text = "Park Street, San jose, California, United States ark Street, San jose, California, United States Park Street, San jose, California, United States ark Street, San jose, California, United States Park Street, San jose, California, United States ark Street, San jose, California, United States ",
fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
fontSize = 11.sp,
color = DarkBlue1,
overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
platformStyle = PlatformTextStyle( includeFontPadding = false )
You can also use the same in compose material theme so it applies to whole app and you dont have to update in every Text instance like below.
val fontStyle = TextStyle(
platformStyle = PlatformTextStyle(
includeFontPadding = false
colorScheme = colorScheme,
typography = Typography(
displayLarge = fontStyle,
displayMedium = fontStyle,
displaySmall = fontStyle,
headlineLarge = fontStyle,
headlineMedium = fontStyle,
headlineSmall = fontStyle,
titleLarge = fontStyle,
titleMedium = fontStyle,
titleSmall = fontStyle,
bodyLarge = fontStyle,
bodyMedium = fontStyle,
bodySmall = fontStyle,
labelLarge = fontStyle,
labelMedium = fontStyle,
labelSmall = fontStyle,
content = content
Answering my own question. Bruh..