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Stuck on Running Tests

Does anyone knows why are my test not running? or visible not running?

I can see that "something" is happening, but after a while (1h or more...) nothing is shown besides:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- 
[INFO]  T E S T S 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- 
[INFO] Running users.UserInTest 
22:39:43.174 [main] DEBUG - [config] classpath:karate-config.js 
22:39:43.183 [main] DEBUG - waiting for 3 features to complete

Any hint on what might be happening?

I created the test trough maven archetype karate api, and didn't change anything on pom.xml.

karate-config.js wasn't touched also.

The only thing I did, was delete the example file, that btw, it wasn't working also - same kind of problem.

I replicated the structure to my needs for testing an API.

Thanks in advance

No ideas of what I should try to do to fix this.


  • Karate 1.4.1 and below has a problem with Java version 22 and this looks like it - and unfortunately things just hang and there is nothing in the log.

    The solution is to use Karate 1.5.0.RC4 or downgrade your Java version.

    Note that this karate-todo example has a karate-1.5 branch that will work for Java 22, follow this link: