Given the following definition of ApiError
struct ApiError: Error {
var statusCode: Int!
let errorCode: String
var message: String
init(statusCode: Int = 0, errorCode: String, message: String) {
self.statusCode = statusCode
self.errorCode = errorCode
self.message = message
var errorCodeNumber: String {
let numberString = errorCode.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted).joined()
return numberString
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case errorCode
case message
extension ApiError: Decodable {
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
errorCode = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .errorCode)
message = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .message)
and the following code snippet:
switch response.statusCode {
case 200...299:
do {
return try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data)
} catch {
throw ApiError(
errorCode: KnownErrors.ErrorCode.decodingDataError.rawValue,
message: "decoding error"
guard let decodedError = try? JSONDecoder().decode(ApiError.self, from: data) else {
throw ApiError(
statusCode: response.statusCode,
errorCode: "0",
message: "Unknown backend error"
if response.statusCode == 403 && decodedError.errorCode == KnownErrors.ErrorCode.expiredToken.rawValue {
//exit session
throw ApiError(
statusCode: response.statusCode,
errorCode: decodedError.errorCode,
message: decodedError.message
What would the KnownErrors
and ErrorCode
data structures look like? I'm confused by KnownErrors.ErrorCode
and I've tried various combinations of structs and enums but nothing seems to be working out.
This looks like a nested type. ErrorCode
is nested inside KnownErrors
Judging from the context, ErrorCode
is likely to be an enum with a raw value type of String
could be any type that can have nested types - enum, class, struct, actor, and so on. Judging from the context, KnownErrors
likely acts as a namespace of sorts, so that the name ErrorCode
doesn't conflict with other types with the same name, similar to the purpose of the Tips
enum in TipKit. Because of this, I would choose to declare it as an enum with no case
s, so that it is uninhabited. It is just a namespace after all.
enum KnownErrors {
enum ErrorCode: String {
case decodingDataError, expiredToken
Note that this is, in my opinion, the most sensible way to declare KnownErrors
and ErrorCode
for the given code to compile. It is far from the only way. For all I know, ErrorCode
could be a static property of KnownErrors
, and decodingDataError
could be an instance property of whatever type ErrorCode
is of.