I'm creating a gray8 writeable bitmap in WPF/.Net 8.
When I set this to an Image Source, the result is a completely black image - of around the correct size.
If I save the writeable bitmap (using a PngEncoder), the image saves as I would expect. If I reload the png image from disk to the Image control then it displays perfectly fine.
However, If I recreate the image and resave it and reload it, it is not displayed - the original image is retained.
I'm mainly concerned about know what I need to do to make the writeable bitmap not appear black as I don't have a need to save and so on.
The intent of the bitmap is to show a series of bars whose darkness corresponds to the values in an array - a kind of density histogram
public BitmapSource CreateLineWeightImage()
if (LineWeights == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Must GetLineWeights first");
WriteableBitmap lineWeights = new WriteableBitmap(LineWeightImageWidth, OriginalImage.PixelHeight, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Gray8, null);
for (int y = 0; y < lineWeights.PixelHeight; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < LineWeightImageWidth; ++x)
byte* PixelPtr = (byte*)lineWeights.BackBuffer + y * lineWeights.BackBufferStride + x;
*((byte*)PixelPtr) = (byte)LineWeights[y];
LineWeightsImage = lineWeights;
return lineWeights;
You have to tell the WriteableBitmap which changes were made to its BackBuffer, by calling the AddDirtyRect
method before Unlock
lineWeights.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(
0, 0, lineWeights.PixelWidth, lineWeights.PixelHeight));