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Can I Determine the Set of First Chars Matched by Regex Pattern?

I would like to be able to compute the set of all characters which may be matched as the first character in a string by a given instance of java.util.regex.Pattern. More formally, given the DFA equivalent to a certain regular expression, I want the set of all outgoing transitions from the start state.

An example:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[abc]def|daniel|chris|\\s+");
Set<Character> first = getFirstSet(p);

The set first should contain the following elements:

{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t' }

Any ideas? I'm well aware that I could construct the DFA myself and determine the relevant states that way, but I'd like to avoid that kind of hassle (read: it's not worth that much to me). Note that my host language is actually Scala, so I have access to all of the core Scala libs (for what it's worth).


  • I think you could parse the regular expression and define some recursive function which operates on the parsed regular expression in a left-to-right-manner, building up such a set of firsts.

    Some things are simple:

    • Sequence: first(r1r2) = first(r1) + ( if '' in first(r1) first(r2) else empty set )
    • Alternation: first(r1|r2) = first(r1) + first(r2)
    • Iteration: first(r*) = first(r) + ''
    • Characters: first(c) = c
    • Characterclasses: first([c1-cn]) = set(c1, c2, ..., cn) ...

    Extend this to all primitives and special flags your regular expression dialect knows and you are good to go.