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`Unfold` operator unsupported when exporting to ONNX

When running

    (im, im),
    input_names=['t0', 't1'],

on my model. I get:

Unsupported: ONNX export of operator Unfold , input size not accessible. Please feel free to request support or submit a pull request on PyTorch GitHub.

Any idea which operation Unfold ( could be replaced by so that the export succeeds?


  • I faced the same issue and struggled with it for a long time. You have to go into the model that you are trying to convert to ONNX. And replace the portion that is using "Unfold" operator with a different implementation.

    For example, in my case, here is the original code that I had:

        # do patching
        if self.padding_patch == 'end':
            z = self.padding_patch_layer(z)
        z = z.unfold(dimension=-1, size=self.patch_len, step=self.stride)                   # z: [bs x nvars x patch_num x patch_len]
        z = z.permute(0,1,3,2) 

    Here is what I replaced it with:

        # do patching manually
        if self.padding_patch == 'end':
            z = self.padding_patch_layer(z)
        # Manually unfold the input tensor
        batch_size, n_vars, seq_len = z.size()
        patches = []
        for i in range(0, seq_len - self.patch_len + 1, self.stride):
            patches.append(z[:, :, i:i+self.patch_len])
        z = torch.stack(patches, dim=-1)  # z: [bs x nvars x patch_len x patch_num]

    Doing that made the ONNX conversion successful. Note that the second implementation may be a little inefficient and slower because of the introduction of the for loop, but it definitely works.