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aiohttp client methods being called from aiohttp server cause RuntimeError

I'm trying to create a payment microservice with following layout:

enter image description here

The client side is working fine until it comes to use aiohttp client methods in aiohttp server side.

I have a class which creates an aiohttp.ClientSession and provides a different methods use aiohttp.ClientSession instance context manager to perform requests. If I init a class' instance and use its methods within a same module ( everything works without warnings. But once I import my class to aiohttp server routers module, init aiohttp client class and call its methods within "views" it causes RuntimeError: Timeout context manager should be used inside a task. I guess the exception caused by some wrong task execution wrom aiohttp server existing eventloop but can't find the right implementation of client+server pairing.

My aiohttp client representation class:

class MonoAsyncClient:
    """ Client for performing HTTP requests to bank API asynchronously """
    ROOT_URL = bank_settings.bank_config.root_bank_url

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.headers = {
            "X-Token": bank_settings.bank_config.token
        self._session = ClientSession(headers=self.headers)

    async def __aenter__(self) -> "MonoAsyncClient":
        return self

    async def __aexit__(
        exc_type: Exception,
        exc_val: TracebackException,
        traceback: TracebackType,
    ) -> None:
        await self.close()

    async def close(self) -> None:
        await self._session.close()

    async def create_payment(
            payment_data: NewPaymentSchema
    ) -> NewPaymentResponseSchema:
        """ Performs POST request to create new payment bill. """
        input_data = payment_data.model_dump_json(by_alias=True)
        async with
                url=self.ROOT_URL + "/invoice/create",
        ) as response:
            response_data = await response.json()
            valid_data = NewPaymentResponseSchema.model_validate(response_data)
            return valid_data

Example of aiohttp server view :

routes = web.RouteTableDef()

mono_client = MonoAsyncClient()"/invoices/create")
async def create_payment(request: Request):
    """ View to create a new payment invoice. """
    # retrieving POST data body
    data = await
        validated_data = NewPaymentSchema.model_validate(data)
    except ValidationError as e:
        return e.json()
        bank_api_response = await mono_client.create_payment(validated_data)
        return bank_api_response.model_dump_json()

And aiohttp server app:

main_app = web.Application()

if __name__ == "__main__":


  • Finally I found a solution. All success credits to @Sam Bull for guiding to a right vector.

    First of all I've shifted self._session init to a separate async method:

    class SomeClient:
        def __init__(self) -> None:
            self.headers = {
                "X-Token": "token string"
            self._session = None
        async def get_session(self):
            if self._session is None:
                self._session = ClientSession(headers=self.headers)
            return self._session

    To init and combine aiohttp client with an existing aiohttp server app I've added an aiohttp client instance to app (e.g web.Application() instance). Example:

    app = web.Application()
    app["client"] = SomeClientClass()

    Then the client class available from views/handlers:"/foo")
    async def view(request: Request) -> Response:
        client =["client"]
        response = await client.method() # <- perfroms some request method from client class

    Particulary in my case I had slightly different code due to project structure: The app's view whithin which the client being called is a nested app. In this case I had to "attach" a client instance to the "sub_app" where the client is to be called rather than "root" app.

    # project/
    from project.routes import routes
    sub_app = web.Application()
    sub_app["client"] = SomeClientClass()
    # adding API routes
    # project/
    from project.apps import sub_app
    main_app = web.Application()

    And then it works like a charm.