im using Flmngr laravel package for installing ckeditor with file manager but file manager links is on demo server of flmngr how can i change it to my laravel server and read my uploads file from public directory to access all my images my code is like this how should i change that to work?
ClassicEditor.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
language: 'fa',
// Flmngr file manager configuration
// By default it is linked to our demo server.
// You must change these values to the links to your own server
// where you will store files and have server PHP side part of Flmngr installed.
// More info:
Flmngr: {
urlFileManager: "http://cms-project.test/admin/flmngr",
urlFiles: "/uploads"
} )
.then( editor => {
window.editor = editor;
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( 'Oops, something went wrong!' );
console.error( error );
} );
and here is my route based on flmngr documentation :
Route::post('/flmngr', function () {
$dirFiles = public_path('uploads');
'dirFiles' => $dirFiles,
i turned this sample code from documentation :
Flmngr: {
apiKey: "FLMNFLMN", // default free key
urlFileManager: '', // demo server
urlFiles: '', // demo file storage
to this :
Flmngr: {
urlFileManager: "http://cms-project.test/admin/flmngr",
urlFiles: "/uploads"
and expected that file manager read all my image form public/uploads so i can access and select again from that images and upload images to this route public/uploads
It looks like the issue lies in the configuration object name. It should be written in lowercase as flmngr instead of Flmngr. Update your code like this:
flmngr: {
urlFileManager: "http://cms-project.test/admin/flmngr",
urlFiles: "http://cms-project.test/uploads"
This should resolve the issue and allow access to the files.
I had a similar problem, and changing the configuration object name to lowercase worked for me.