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Typesafe navigation routes with arguments

I am implementing navigation in a Compose App using the guides:

So, instead of using string routes, I use objects as suggested. However, I am bit confused how to add navigation screens with route arguments. I know it's more a Kotlin question than Android / Compose.

I have written this:

sealed class NavigationScreen (
    @StringRes val nameResourceId: Int,
    @DrawableRes val iconResourceId: Int
) {
    data object SignIn: NavigationScreen( R.string.sign_in, R.drawable.baseline_person_24)
    data object Home: NavigationScreen( R.string.home, R.drawable.baseline_home_24)
    data object Settings: NavigationScreen(R.string.settings, R.drawable.baseline_settings_24)

The above sealed class works well but doesn't hold route arguments. Is there a clean way to add them?


  • Route arguments in typesafe navigation are provided as data class properties. Passing an user id to your SignIn screen would look like:

    data class SignIn(val userId: Int): NavigationScreen( R.string.sign_in, R.drawable.baseline_person_24)

    In your NavHost you don't need to provide a route string anymore, all you need to specify is your navigation type e.g. SignIn:

    NavHost(navController, startDestination = Home) {
        composable<Home> {
            HomeScreen(onNavigateToSignIn = { userId ->
         composable<SignIn> { backStackEntry ->
             val signIn: SignIn = backStackEntry.toRoute()

    Now you can use the extension method NavBackStackEntry.toRoute() to create your navigation type. This type can also be accessed in ViewModels via SavedStateHandle.toRoute().

    Here you can find an in depth explanation about typesafe navigation