An example.
declare const str: string
if (str) { } good
declare const num: number
if(num) {} // good
declare const u: string | number
if(u) {} // Unexpected value in conditional. A boolean expression is required.ESLint@typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions
I think the union type u
should not be reported.
You are wrong. The rule strict-boolean-expressions
is described as:
Forbids usage of non-boolean types in expressions where a boolean is expected. boolean and never types are always allowed. Additional types which are considered safe in a boolean context can be configured via options.
Keep in mind that additional types can be configured via options. So let's take a look how default options looks like
const defaultOptions: Options = [
allowString: true,
allowNumber: true,
allowNullableObject: true,
allowNullableBoolean: false,
allowNullableString: false,
allowNullableNumber: false,
allowNullableEnum: false,
allowAny: false,
allowRuleToRunWithoutStrictNullChecksIKnowWhatIAmDoing: false,
In my opinion that perfectly explains why the first two examples work and the last one fails