I have to read the C# volume serial number (the one provided when typing dir in a cmd prompt). That has always worked but today it is extremely slow.
[01.07.2024 12:54:35.415] I GetHdSerialString START
[01.07.2024 12:55:41.936] I GetHdSerialString END
so like more than one minute to get it.
The routine is the following
public static string GetHdSerialString()
WriteNLog("GetHdSerialString START ", eLogLevel.Info);
using ManagementClass mangnmt = new ManagementClass("Win32_LogicalDisk");
using ManagementObjectCollection mcol = mangnmt.GetInstances();
string result = "";
foreach (ManagementObject strt in mcol.Cast<ManagementObject>())
result += Convert.ToString(strt["VolumeSerialNumber"]);
break; //mi interessa solo il primo
result = result.Insert(4, "-");
WriteNLog("GetHdSerialString END ", eLogLevel.Info);
return result;
catch (Exception exc)
WriteNLog("GetHdSerialString exc:" + exc.Message, eLogLevel.Error);
return String.Empty;
Here is the point where it takes so long
Can anyone tell me why all of a sudden it takes so long and how to fix it?
I also tried other ways or retrieving that data but couldn't find any. Thanks Patrick
Actually the user "Good Night Nerd Pride" put me on the right track. As written in the comment above I tried some hw or driver causes but that was not the case. So I thought about the antivirus and without it that worked! Not sure why the antivirus is interfering with the hw management but as a matter of fact without it starting is immediate, with it it takes ages.