I'm getting a File renaming caused colliding pathnames!
error from git filter-repo --path-rename
(path names hidden due to closed source/confidentiality):
gdlxn@geoff-test4:<git-repo>$ git filter-repo --replace-refs delete-no-add --path-rename <old-path>:<new-path> --force
File renaming caused colliding pathnames!
Commit: b'd8ab28d76da9371bf1db0dac8870122e57dc6713'
Filename: b'<new-path>'
fatal: stream ends early
fast-import: dumping crash report to .git/fast_import_crash_415589
My git repository contains a single master
branch. I've been unable to reproduce the File renaming caused colliding pathnames!
error in a small example. So what exactly is meant by colliding pathnames
in this context? Any help in understanding the error, and more importantly how to resolve it, would be greatly appreciated.
It turns out that tracing the git-repo-filter
code wasn't as hard as I expected. I found that File renaming caused colliding pathnames!
from git filter-repo --path-rename <old-path>:<new-path>
occurs when there's a commit in the commit history in which
and <new-path>
is not a delete<old-path>
and <new-path>
are not identicalBased on this, I'm not sure if there is a general way to resolve the File renaming caused colliding pathnames!