I want to take all records into account when calculating the count for num_zaprosa and num_otveta, but not show them in the result set if one of them is null. Is it possible to do this? here is my code, but it didn't help me solve my problem:
WITH counted_records AS (
SELECT num_zaprosa, num_otveta,
COUNT(*) AS count_all_records,
SUM(CASE WHEN num_zaprosa IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count_num_zaprosa,
SUM(CASE WHEN num_otveta IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count_num_otveta
FROM your_table
GROUP BY num_zaprosa, num_otveta
SELECT num_zaprosa, num_otveta, count_all_records, count_num_zaprosa, count_num_otveta
FROM counted_records
WHERE num_zaprosa IS NOT NULL OR num_otveta IS NOT NULL;
initial data:
2344 | 200
22 | null
2344 | 200
155 | 6
22 | 9999
what result do I expect:
num_zaprosa|num_otveta| count_num_zaprosa| count_num_otveta |
2344 | 200 | 2 | 2 |
22 | 9999 | 2 | 1 |
155 | 6 | 1 | 1 |
One option is to use conditional Count() Over() analytic functions.
WITH -- S a m p l e D a t a :
tbl AS
( Select 2344 as num_zaprosa, 200 as num_otveta From RDB$DATABASE Union All
Select 22, null From RDB$DATABASE Union All
Select 2344, 200 From RDB$DATABASE Union All
Select 155, 6 From RDB$DATABASE Union All
Select 22, 9999 From RDB$DATABASE
-- M a i n S Q L :
SELECT num_zaprosa, num_otveta,
Max(count_num_zaprosa) as count_num_zaprosa,
Max(count_num_otveta) as count_num_otveta
FROM ( Select d.num_zaprosa, d.num_otveta,
Count(Case When t.num_zaprosa = d.num_zaprosa Then 1 End) Over(Partition By t.num_zaprosa, t.num_otveta) as count_num_zaprosa,
Count(Case When t.num_otveta = d.num_otveta Then 1 End) Over(Partition By t.num_zaprosa, t.num_otveta) as count_num_otveta
From ( Select Distinct num_zaprosa, num_otveta
From tbl
) d
Inner Join tbl t ON( (t.num_zaprosa = d.num_zaprosa And t.num_otveta = d.num_otveta)
(t.num_zaprosa = d.num_zaprosa And t.num_otveta Is Null)
WHERE num_zaprosa Is Not Null And num_otveta Is Not Null
GROUP BY num_zaprosa, num_otveta
/* -- R e s u l t :
----------- ---------- ----------------- ----------------
22 9999 2 1
155 6 1 1
2344 200 2 2 */
See the fiddle here.