Given a large string of text, I want to search for the following patterns:
@key: value
So an example is:
some crazy text
more nonesense
@first: first-value;
yet even more non-sense
@second: second-value;
finally more non-sense
The output should be:
array("first" => "first-value", "second" => "second-value");
$string = 'some crazy text
more nonesense
@first: first-value;
yet even more non-sense
@second: second-value;
finally more non-sense';
preg_match_all('#@(.*?): (.*?);#is', $string, $matches);
$count = count($matches[0]);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$return[$matches[1][$i]] = $matches[2][$i];
Array ( [first] => first-value [second] => second-value )