I'm using Firebase AppHosting to host Next.js. Since there are multiple environments for different branches of the same repository, I would like to switch the contents of apphosting.yaml, which specifies environment variables, for each branch. In this case, is there no choice but to obtain all values from GCP's secrets manager? Also, the only way to separate Cloud Run settings for each environment is to create separate repositories.
The official documentation is below. https://firebase.google.com/docs/app-hosting/configure?hl=ja
I've searched a lot but can't seem to find anyone having the same problem.
Hi there, Firebaser here
Update August 25, 2024: We now have official support for multiple environments! You can find more information here https://firebase.google.com/docs/app-hosting/multiple-environments
This should address your use case, take a look and let us know what you think!