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How to show custom errors for a node js CLI app made using commander?

So guys this is my code

import chalk from "chalk";
import { Command } from "commander";

const program = new Command();

  .description(`A cli app to perform arithmetic operations`)
  .option("-a, --add <numbers...>", 'Add two numbers')
  .option("-s, --sub <numbers...>", "Subtract two numbers")
  .option("-m, --multiply <numbers...>", "Multiply two numbers")
  .option("-d, --divide <numbers...>", "Divide two numbers")

if (!process.argv.slice(2).length) {
    console.log("Hello World!"));
} else if (program.opts().add) {
    const [num1, num2] = program.opts();
    const sum = num1 + num2;
    console.log(`${num1} + ${num2} = ${sum}`));
} else if (program.opts().sub) {
    const [num1, num2] = program.opts();
    const diff = num1 - num2;
    console.log(`${num1} - ${num2} = ${diff}`));
} else if (program.opts().multiply) {
    const [num1, num2] = program.opts();
    const product = num1 * num2;
    console.log(`${num1} x ${num2} = ${product}`));
} else if (program.opts().divide) {
    const [num1, num2] = program.opts();
    if(num2 == 0) {
        console.error(`Error: Division by zero!`));
    } else {
        console.log(`${num1} / ${num2} = ${num1 / num2}`));
} else {
    console.error(`Error: Invalid command! Use --help for usage instructions!`));

and now whenever I run node armath.js in my terminal it displays hello world but when I run something random like node armath.js -y it shows error: unknown option '-y' instead of that I want to display something like Error: Invalid command! Use --help for usage instructions!. Can someone help me?

It would be very much helpful if someone can help me! Thanks in advance


  • There are a few approaches to customising the Commander error handling for different cases.

    1. Add text after errors
    program.showHelpAfterError("Use --help for usage instructions!");
    $ node index.mjs --silly
    error: unknown option '--silly'
    Use --help for usage instructions!
    1. Customise the error output. This would let you change the text and colour.
      writeErr: (str) => { 
        str = str.replace('error: ', 'Error: ');
        process.stderr.write("Use --help for usage instructions!\n");
    $ node index.mjs --silly
    Error: unknown option '--silly'
    Use --help for usage instructions!
    1. You can also make errors throw an exception with a custom code. This isn't such a good match for your situation, so just a brief clue.
    try {
    } catch (err) {
      // custom processing...

    See the project README for more info: