So i know that list holds array inside it, so i need to get a pointer of unknown type of it (void*). It is pretty easy to do with arrays:
int[] items;
fixed (void* pointer = items)
So i need to do same thing for List
List<int> items;
fixed (void* pointer = items)
This code doesn't seems to work. I don't want to copy a list to a new array, i want to access a pointer to it's internal array
I use this, Just use it carefully and you won't have any problems.
public static Span<T> AsSpan<T>(this List<T> list) where T : unmanaged
return CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(list);
public static ref T AsRef<T>(this List<T> list, int index) where T : unmanaged
return ref CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(list)[index];