I followed the instructions on the iOS developer site, used keychain access to generate a certificate request, and uploaded it to the distribution part of the certificates tab in the provisioning portal.
The instructions say that I should now accept that certificate. Except all it says is the name of the certificate and "issued". There's no place for me to accept it. There isn't even a place for me to delete it. I've searched all over for help, and can't find any.
Any help is much appreciated.
If you are the person who created the Apple developer account, you need not accept it. It will get automatically accepted after a while. You need to go to the distribution section and it should be there to be downloaded in Certificates->Distribution. You would also need a distribution provisioning profile which is created in a more or less similar fashion.
If you are not the person who created the Apple developer account, then you cannot create a distribution build. Contact the person who has the "Agent" account.