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Is it possible to change the url in view (Django) after a certain operation?

Let's say there is a page of a separate blog article with this url (aviary-ensemble is the slug of the article):

Now I'm making a comment system and the form for writing a comment is on the same page.

enter image description here

The view for creating a new comment I have formalized as follows: if there is no submitted data, then load the page, if there is - then based on this data create a comment and load the page.

def details(request, slug, author=None):

article = models.Article.objects.get(slug=slug)
if request.method == 'POST':

    if author is not None:
        user = User.objects.get(username=author)
        print(user.username, type(user))
        comment_author = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)
        comment = request.POST['comment_area']
        if comment[0] == '@':
            receiver = comment[1:].split(', ')[0]
            comment_text = comment[1:].split(', ')[1]
            models.Comment.objects.create(article=article, author=comment_author, receiver=receiver,
            models.Comment.objects.create(article=article, author=comment_author, text=comment)

        article_comments = models.Comment.objects.filter(article=article)

        context = {
            'article': article,
            'article_comments': article_comments
        return render(request, 'articles/article.html', context=context)
    article.views = article.views + 1

    article_comments = models.Comment.objects.filter(article=article)

    context = {
        'article': article,
        'article_comments': article_comments

    return render(request, 'articles/article.html', context=context)

I set the url itself as follows:

urlpatterns = [
path('', views.index, name='articles_catalog'),
path('article/<slug:slug>/<str:author>/', views.details, name='comment_creation'),
path('article/<slug:slug>/', views.details, name='details'),

The nuance is that after submitting the form the url changes to

(admin is the username of the active User who is the author of the comment).

Actually, what I want to achieve: after submitting the form, I would like the url to change to

i.e. without the name addition.

The method of googling gave the following variant (but it did not work - url doesn't change): request.path_info = '/articles/article/' + str(article.slug) + '/'

I double-checked - both url's refer to the same view.

Could you please tell me if it is possible to formalize this somehow?


  • You should redirect to details page again once comment it saved. your url will be updated to

    This will make code much simpler and align with Django DRY principle.

    import reverse_lazy to use this code

    from django.urls import reverse_lazy
    def details(request, slug, author=None):
    article = models.Article.objects.get(slug=slug)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if author is not None:
            user = User.objects.get(username=author)
            print(user.username, type(user))
            comment_author = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)
            comment = request.POST['comment_area']
            if comment[0] == '@':
                receiver = comment[1:].split(', ')[0]
                comment_text = comment[1:].split(', ')[1]
                models.Comment.objects.create(article=article, author=comment_author, receiver=receiver,
                models.Comment.objects.create(article=article, author=comment_author, text=comment)
            # redirect the page to details again. you can use reverse_lazy for retriving url
            redirect_url = reverse_lazy('details', kwargs={'slug': slug})
            return redirect(redirect_url)
        article.views = article.views + 1
        article_comments = models.Comment.objects.filter(article=article)
        context = {
            'article': article,
            'article_comments': article_comments
        return render(request, 'articles/article.html', context=context)