I have an XML file that is returned by an API.i want to get specfic Data out of it.I had converted the XML into array by $xml = simpleXMLToArray(simplexml_load_string($response));
$response is the XML.$xml is the array that have all the XML data.I want to extract data out of it but its not working.
foreach($xml['conetent']['album']['media'] as $media)
echo $media;
It works fine here once you correct the spelling of 'conetent' to 'content'
So with the update from your question, how about this:
foreach ($xml->xpath('//content/album') as $album)
print "Album: ";
foreach($album->attributes() as $key => $value)
print "\t".$key." = ".$value."\n";
foreach($album->xpath('album') as $subalbum)
print "\tSub album:\n";
foreach($subalbum->attributes() as $key => $value)
print "\t\t".$key." = ".$value."\n";