I'm using tbl_summary
of the gtsummary
package and it's working smooth.
Though I realised now that the journal we are planning to publicate in requires small p-values to be reported as <0.0001. Meanwhile gtsummary
seems to limit number of digits to be within 1 and 3 and I struggle to make it report with higher accuracy than < 0.001.
Is there an easy way around this? A custom add_stat column (using mostly standard default tests like Wilcoxon rank sum test etc.)?
I got the example below (which I copy/pasted pretty much straight from the documentation) to work, by copying gtsummary::style_pvalue and creating a new function style_pvalue and adding
else if (digits == 4) {
p_fmt <- case_when(x > 1 + 1e-15 ~ NA_character_, x <
0 - 1e-15 ~ NA_character_, x > 0.9999 ~ paste0(">",
style_number(x = 0.9999, digits = 4, big.mark = big.mark,
decimal.mark = decimal.mark, ...)), x >= 0.0001 ~
style_number(x, digits = 4, big.mark = big.mark,
decimal.mark = decimal.mark, ...), x < 0.0001 ~
paste0("<", style_number(x = 0.0001, digits = 4, big.mark = big.mark,
decimal.mark = decimal.mark, ...)))
once I had my new function, I could run:
my_theme <-
# round large p-values to two places
"pkgwide-fn:pvalue_fun" = function(x) style_pvalue(x, digits = 4),
"pkgwide-fn:prependpvalue_fun" = function(x) style_pvalue(x, digits = 4, prepend_p = TRUE),
# report median (IQR) and n (percent) as default stats in `tbl_summary()`
"tbl_summary-str:continuous_stat" = "{median} ({p25} - {p75})",
"tbl_summary-str:categorical_stat" = "{n} ({p})"
trial[c("age", "grade", "trt")] %>%
tbl_summary(by = trt) %>%