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Withdrawn window not reappearing with deiconify after filedialog in Tkinter on MacOS

The code below is meant to ask for a file name with filedialog with a hidden root window, after which the root reappears and shows a label that has the selected filename. However, on MacOS 14.5 and Python 3.9.6, the deiconify does not make the window reappear. I have to click on the Python icon in the dock in order for the window to appear. If I replace the filedialog line with file_name = '\example\file\name', no such issue occurs. How can I make the window appear without needing to click on the icon?

from tkinter import Tk, filedialog, Label

root = Tk()
file_name = filedialog.askopenfilename(parent=root, title="Select File")
if file_name:
    Label(root, text=file_name, padx=20, pady=20).pack()

Edit: Interestingly, if I add cursor="cross" to the Label, the cursor does indeed change to a cross when hovering over the location in the screen where the window eventually appears. So it seems to be there somehow, and is just invisible.


  • Upgrading to Python 3.12 fixed the issue.