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I am not sure how to optimize retrofit with callback in kotlin, or how to remove the callback after its done

I am using callbacks in Kotlin, and I currently have the exact retrofit function returning result in the form of a callback as its used multiple times across different classes,the endpoints are different, but the calling structure is always the same

RetrofitInstance().UserAction("retrieveChatForUser",cuserData){ returnMessage->
            if(returnMessage.status==true) {
                val chatList = returnMessage.content as List<Any>

and my common retrofit class it like this

class RetrofitInstance {

 fun UserAction(action:String, userData: UserData, toUserData: UserData?=null, returnCallback:(ReturnMessage)->Unit){
    val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
    val service: RestApiUser = retrofit.create(
    val callAuth: Call<ReturnMessage> = service.authOraddUser(action, userData.username,userData.phonenumber,toUserData?.username)
    callAuth.enqueue(object : Callback<ReturnMessage> {
        override fun onResponse(call: Call<ReturnMessage>, response: Response<ReturnMessage>) {
            if (response.isSuccessful) {
                val post = response.body()
                post?.let { post->
                    Log.d("api","${action} ${post}")
            } else {
                Log.d("apierror", "${action} error ${response.code()}")
        override fun onFailure(call: Call<ReturnMessage>, t: Throwable) {
            Log.d("apierror","${action} error ${t.message}")

private interface RestApiUser {
    fun authOraddUser(
        @Path("action") action:String,
        @Field("username") username: String?=null,
        @Field("password") password: String?=null,
        @Field("username2") username2: String?=null,
    ): Call<ReturnMessage>


I am currently not sure if the callbacks will be immediately removed after execution; if so I am not sure how to remove them after I receive the callback, as I want to make the class as an object so that I don't create multiple objects instances


  • You should not implement retrofit this way. you can try this way the first. let's create interface, let's say you have 2 different types of api

    // Api user
    public interface RestApiUser {
        fun authOraddUser(
            @Path("action") action: String,
            @Field("username") username: String? = null,
            @Field("password") password: String? = null,
            @Field("username2") username2: String? = null,
        ): Call<ReturnMessage>
        fun logout(): Call<ReturnMessage>
    //api chatting
    public  interface RestApiChatting {
        fun chatting(
            @Path("chatting") action: String,
        ): Call<ReturnMessage>

    After that, create a class to manage it

    object ApiManager {
        val ApiUser = Retrofit.Builder()
        val ApiProfile = Retrofit.Builder()

    use it

    fun userAction(
        action: String,
        userData: UserData,
        toUserData: UserData? = null,
        returnCallback: (ReturnMessage) -> Unit
    ) {
        val callAuth: Call<ReturnMessage> =
        callAuth.enqueue(object : Callback<ReturnMessage> {
            override fun onResponse(call: Call<ReturnMessage>, response: Response<ReturnMessage>) {
            override fun onFailure(call: Call<ReturnMessage>, t: Throwable) {

    This approach will ensure that only 1 object is created in the entire program. it will not create multiple object instances