I have a problem in setting up route middleware and internationalization in next js and laravel . I want to do is that if there is no token , user can not go other page by typing from url .So I added middleware . But that's showing as like this .
This is my middleware code .
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { isPathStartsWithBackSlash } from "./app/utils/checkUrlTypes";
import createMiddleware from "next-intl/middleware";
const locales = ["en", "mm", "jp"];
const defaultLocale = "mm";
const i18nMiddleware = createMiddleware({ locales, defaultLocale });
export function middleware(request) {
const pathName = request.nextUrl.pathname;
console.log("pathName", pathName);
// Internationalization logic (using next-intl)
i18nMiddleware(request); // Execute internationalization middleware first
// Authentication logic
if (isPathStartsWithBackSlash(pathName)) {
const cookies = request.headers.get("cookie");
const hasCookie = cookies && cookies.includes("IncomeController");
if (!hasCookie) {
console.log("no cookie");
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL("/404", request.url));
// Continue with the default behavior
return NextResponse.next();
export const config = {
matcher: ["/", "/(mm|jp|en)/:path*"],
If I changed this code , the route is worked . But cannot protect route by typing from Url.
//TODO ADD route middleware for internationalization
import createMiddleware from "next-intl/middleware";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
let locales = ["en", "mm", "jp"];
const middleware = createMiddleware({
// Add locales you want in the app
locales: ["en", "mm", "jp"],
// Default locale if no match
defaultLocale: "mm",
export default middleware;
export const config = {
// Match only internationalized pathnames
matcher: ["/", "/(mm|jp|en)/:path*"],
This is my next js folder structure
Please kindly help me . I took 1 week for this and still counting. Thank you for your time.
This works also . But cannot do internationalization.
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server';
import { isPathStartsWithBackSlash } from './libs/checkUrlTypes'
export function middleware(request) {
const pathName = request.nextUrl.pathname
// Check if the requested URL matches a protected route
if (isPathStartsWithBackSlash(pathName)) {
// Check if the cookie exists in the request headers
const cookies = request.headers.get('cookie');
const hasCookie = cookies && cookies.includes('IncomeController');
if (!hasCookie) {
// If the cookie is not present, redirect to the unauthorized page
return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/404', request.url));
// If the request doesn't match a protected route or the user is authenticated, continue with the default behavior
return NextResponse.next();
export const config = {
matcher: ['/:path*'],
I got with this . If you have same problem , please reference this
export const locales = ["mm", "en", "jp"];
export const defaultLocale = "mm";
export const i18n = {
locales: ["mm", "en", "jp"],
defaultLocale: "mm",
export const I18nConfig = i18n;
export const Locale = I18nConfig["locales"];
import { notFound } from "next/navigation";
import { getRequestConfig } from "next-intl/server";
import enMessages from "../messages/en.json";
import mmMessages from "../messages/mm.json";
import jpMessages from "../messages/jp.json";
const messages = {
en: enMessages,
mm: mmMessages,
jp: jpMessages,
export default getRequestConfig(async ({ locale }) => {
if (!(locale in messages)) notFound();
return {
messages: messages[locale],