I want to make the attribute #[repr] optional, if no #[repr(type)] is provided, the default #[repr(u8)] will be used
$vis:vis enum $Name:ident {
$variant:ident = $index:tt,
) => {
let expr = if $repr {$repr} else {u8};
$crate::macros::paste::paste! {
#[derive(Debug,Clone,Copy,$crate::Serialize_repr,$crate::Deserialize_repr,enum_sql::IntEnumFromSql,enum_sql::IntEnumToSql , $($path),*)]
#[serde(try_from="i16", into="i16")]
#[repr(if $repr { $repr } else { u8 })]
$vis enum $Name {
$variant = $index,
if no #[repr] attribute is provided, the default attribute #[repr(u8)] should be used
i tired #[repr(if $repr { $repr } else { u8 })]
but it doesn't seem to work
You should make a case each for when the repr arg is supplied, and when it isn't. The isn't case should fill in the default and pass on to the is case.
macro_rules! maybe_repr {
( $name:ident : $repr:ty) => { #[repr($repr)] enum $name { V } };
( $name:ident ) => { maybe_repr!($name : u8); };
maybe_repr!(U32 : u32);