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JPQL how to JOIN FETCH a List with anymatch condition against the List

Given Entities:

public class Collection {

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  private Long id;

  private String createdBy;

  @OneToMany(mappedBy = "collection")
  private List<CollectionAccess> collectionAccesses;


public class CollectionAccess {

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  private Long id;

      foreignKey =
              value = ConstraintMode.PROVIDER_DEFAULT,
              name = "fk_collectionaccess_collection_collections_id"))
  private Collection collection;

  private Integer accessType;
  private LocalDateTime expirationAtUtc;

Given database:

select id, created_by from collection;
| id | created_by |
| 40 |   ABC123   |

select * from collection_access;
| id | access_type | expiration_at_utc          | collection_id |
|  2 |           0 | 2011-12-03 03:15:30.000000 |            40 |
|  3 |           1 | 2011-12-03 03:15:30.000000 |            40 |

As you guys can see, the collection 40 has 2 collection_access 2 and 3.

I want to do JPQL select a Collection that:

  1. Has id value is 40 AND
  2. join fetch its CollectionAccess with a condition: if (createdBy match) OR (any CollectionAccess has accessType = 1 AND expirationAtUtc <= now). Why join fetch? Because of N + 1
  3. The conditions against CollectionAccess is for matching Collection, NOT for filtering out any CollectionAccess inside Collection

(JOIN FETCH prevents N + 1 queries issue):

      "SELECT c FROM Collection c "
          + "LEFT JOIN FETCH c.collectionAccesses ca WHERE = ?1 "
          + "AND (c.createdBy = ?2 OR (ca.accessType = ?3 AND ca.expirationAtUtc <= ?4))",
  .setParameter(1, id)
  .setParameter(2, "DUMMY DATA")
  .setParameter(3, 1)
  .setParameter(4, now)

I expect that after executing this query, I will get a Collection have id 40 and its TWO CollectionAccess, but it give me ONLY ONE CollectionAccess which has id 3. PLEASE NOTE THAT I SET A DUMMY/WRONG DATA TO ?2

I have done some research and found this Stackoverflow topic (main idea is we will have both JOIN and JOIN FETCH).

Based on that, I changed the query to:

createQuery("SELECT c FROM Collection c LEFT JOIN c.collectionAccesses ca "
          + "LEFT JOIN FETCH c.collectionAccesses WHERE = ?1 "
          + "AND (c.createdBy = ?2 OR (ca.accessType = ?3 AND ca.expirationAtUtc <= ?4))",
  .setParameter(1, id)
  .setParameter(2, "ABC123")  //NOW I SET CORRECT DATA TO ?2
  .setParameter(3, 1)
  .setParameter(4, now)

Now it return to me DUPLICATED CollectionAccess that seems to be wrong!!

Then I decided to write nesting select and hope that it will work:

      "SELECT t FROM (SELECT c FROM Collection c "
              + "LEFT JOIN c.collectionAccesses ca WHERE = ?1 "
              + "AND (c.createdBy = ?2 OR (ca.accessType = ?3 AND ca.expirationAtUtc <= ?4))) t "
              + "JOIN FETCH t.collectionAccesses ",
  .setParameter(1, id)
  .setParameter(2, "ABC123")
  .setParameter(3, 1)
  .setParameter(4, now)


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.query.SemanticException: Select item at position 1 in select list has no alias (aliases are required in CTEs and in subqueries occurring in from clause)
    at org.hibernate.internal.ExceptionConverterImpl.convert( ~[hibernate-core-6.4.4.Final.jar:6.4.4.Final]

How can i archive this goal?

I want to do JPQL select a Collection that:

  1. Has id value is 40 AND
  2. join fetch its CollectionAccess with a condition: if (createdBy match) OR (any CollectionAccess has accessType = 1 AND expirationAtUtc <= now)
  3. The conditions against CollectionAccess is for matching Collection, NOT for filtering out any CollectionAccess inside Collection

I expect that after executing this query, I will get a Collection have id 40 and its TWO CollectionAccess

Is it possible via JPQL? If not, could you suggest a solution?

Please help, thank you so much!!

UPDATE: Use Exists like Olivier suggested works, but 2 queries generated. Could it cause performace issue? enter image description here


  • You can use an EXISTS subquery to test if at least one collection access fulfills the criteria:

    List<Collection> list = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT DISTINCT c FROM Collection c "
            + "LEFT JOIN FETCH c.collectionAccesses "
            + "WHERE = ?1 "
            + "AND (c.createdBy = ?2 OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM CollectionAccess ca WHERE = AND ca.accessType = ?3 AND ca.expirationAtUtc <= ?4))",
        .setParameter(1, id)
        .setParameter(2, "DUMMY DATA")
        .setParameter(3, 1)
        .setParameter(4, now)