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Add custom text in string based on values specified in text vector in R

Let's say I have a vector of string values that looks something like:

vec_vals<-c("value1", "value2", "value3")

and a text string which at certain points may contain those values, something like:

text_string<-"value1 blah blah blah value2"

I am trying to add a value, let's say x. in the text_string in front of any of vec_vals that appear in the text_string, so in this case the desired result would be:

text_string_cleaned<-"x.value1 blah blah blah x.value2"



  • You could use the stringr package:

    vec_vals <- c("value1", "value2", "value3")
    text_string <- "value1 blah blah blah value2"
    # Create the pattern "(value1|value2|value3)" which in str_replace_all will detect 
    #  all matches of value1, value2, or value3.
    pattern <- paste0("(", paste(vec_vals, collapse = "|"), ")")
    # Replace all occurrences of value1, value2, or value3 with .xvalue1, .xvalue2, or.xvalue3
    str_replace_all(text_string, pattern = pattern, replacement = "x.\\1")
    "x.value1 blah blah blah x.value2"

    The purpose of \\1 in a regular expression is to insert the exact text that was matched by the first group of characters enclosed in parentheses in the pattern into the replacement string.