Search code examples

How to select the next lowest value and next highest value from a specific record value that's been flagged?

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee_Salary]
     [EmployeeID] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,
     [EffectiveDate] [date] NULL,
     [EndDate] [date] NULL,
     [Salary] [decimal](15, 3) NULL,
     [ContractFlag] [varchar](255) NULL

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Employee_Salary] 
EmployeeID EffectiveDate EndDate Salary ContractFlag
100 01/01/2022 12/31/2022 10,000 Completed
100 01/01/2023 12/31/2023 20,000 Completed
100 01/01/2024 12/31/2024 30,000 Active
100 01/01/2025 12/31/2025 40,000 Pending
200 01/01/2022 12/31/2022 25,000 Completed
200 01/01/2023 12/31/2023 35,000 Completed
200 01/01/2024 12/31/2024 35,000 Active
200 01/01/2025 12/31/2025 40,000 Pending
300 01/01/2022 12/31/2022 10,000 Completed
300 01/01/2023 12/31/2023 20,000 Completed
300 01/01/2024 12/31/2024 30,000 Active
300 01/01/2025 12/31/2025 40,000 Pending
400 01/02/2024 12/31/2024 50,000 Active
400 01/01/2025 12/31/2025 60,000 Pending

I need to return:

Next lower value(cannot be equal to current active)

EmployeeID EffectiveDate EndDate Salary ContractFlag
100 01/01/2023 12/31/2023 20,000 Completed
200 01/01/2023 12/31/2023 25,000 Completed
300 01/01/2023 12/31/2023 20,000 Completed

Next higher value(cannot be equal current active)

EmployeeID EffectiveDate EndDate Salary ContractFlag
100 01/01/2025 12/31/2025 20,000 Pending
200 01/01/2025 12/31/2025 25,000 Pending
300 01/01/2025 12/31/2025 20,000 Pending
400 01/01/2025 12/31/2025 60,000 Pending

I will insert into another table which should look like this:

EmployeeID PrevIncreaseDate NextIncreaseDate PrevSalary NextSalary CurrentSalary
100 01/01/2023 01/01/2025 10,000 40,000 30,000
200 01/01/2022 01/01/2025 25,000 40,000 35,000
300 01/01/2023 01/01/2025 30,000 40,000 30,000
400 NULL 01/01/2025 NULL 60,000 50,000

I've tried using the LAG function, but this isn't effective if there are repeat salary amounts like example for EmployeeID 200. EmployeeID 200 has a current 'Active' Salary of 35,000 with a previous year 'Completed' Salary of also 35,000. The next lowest value is 25,000.

I also tried creating a sub-set of records and selecting the MAX or MIN record

    MAX(Salary), i.EmployeeID, i.EffectiveDate 
    [Table] i
    i.Salary < (SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM [Table] f 
                WHERE f.ContractFlag = 'Active')
    i.EmployeeID, i.EffectiveDate`

Also note that EmployeeID = 400 does not have a previous salary as they started in 2024.

There may be some cases where an employee does not having a pending contract for next year, and thus, should return null values.


  • Here is a solution which meets the needs as stated. The first CTE removes rows where the salary doesn't change. Then its a straight-forward lead and lag as you already know how to do.

    with cte1 as (
      select *
        , max(case when ContractFlag = 'Active' then Salary end) over (partition by EmployeeId) ActiveSalary
      from [dbo].[Employee_Salary]
    ), cte2 as (
      select *
        , lag(EffectiveDate) over (partition by EmployeeId order by EffectiveDate asc) PreviousIncreaseDate
        , lag(Salary) over (partition by EmployeeId order by EffectiveDate asc) PrevSalary
        , lead(EffectiveDate) over (partition by EmployeeId order by EffectiveDate asc) NextIncreaseDate
        , lead(Salary) over (partition by EmployeeId order by EffectiveDate asc) NextSalary
      from cte1
      where ContractFlag = 'Active' or ActiveSalary <> Salary
    select EmployeeId, PreviousIncreaseDate, NextIncreaseDate, PrevSalary, NextSalary, Salary CurrentSalary
    from cte2
    where ContractFlag = 'Active'
    order by EmployeeId, EffectiveDate asc;
