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I would like to Create a (cron) schedule in Databricks that runs a job on Wednesday after the first Monday of a month

I need a Databricks job to run on Wednesday after the first Monday of a month. Or the same: two days after the first Monday.
I found that Cron for the first Wednesday of a month

0 30 6 ? * 4#1

but because the job relies on data we produce on the first Monday of the month, that won't work if the Wednesday is the first or second of a month.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • Quartz cron expressions cannot handle a complex pattern like this; the closest it could do alone is the Nth Monday or Wednesday of a month as you pointed out.

    As a workaround, you could use a cron schedule of every Wednesday: 0 0 0 ? * WED and then implement the rest of the scheduling logic in your code. In Python this might look like so:

    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    def should_run() -> bool:
        today =
        first = today.replace(day=1)
        days_to_first_monday = (7 - first.weekday() + 0) % 7
        first_monday = first + timedelta(days=days_to_first_monday)
        two_days_after_first_monday = first_monday + timedelta(days=2)
        return ==
    if not should_run():
        dbutils.notebook.exit(f"{} is not the Wednesday after the first Monday of the month. Job run will be skipped this time.")