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How to run rocket code from another file?

I can't launch my rocket code from my main file I want my main code to run in parallel with the rocket code and remain in the background until I close the process in the terminal.


extern crate rocket;
use rocket::*;

fn test(identifier: &str) -> String {
    format!("Your identifier is {}", identifier)

pub fn rocket() -> _ {
    println!("Rocket started");
    rocket::build().mount("/", routes![test])


mod web_page;

fn main() {

    thread::spawn(|| {

//other code


It only write Rocket start. But server does not work in the background. I tried to check by going to, but nothing happened. But when I launch with cargo run --bin web_page, everything works. I want the code to work in parallel and independently of everything else, but at the same time not stop my main one.


  • I was able to solve this problem using asynchrony and a new thread. Now, I have a new thread created, after which my main code runs in parallel

    fn test(identifier: &str) -> String {
        format!("Your identifier is {}", identifier)
    pub fn rocket() -> _ {
        println!("Rocket started");
        rocket::build().mount("/", routes![test])

    use std::thread;
    use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
    use web_page::rocket;
    async fn main() {
    // Create new thread
    thread::spawn(|| {
        // Create new Tokio runtime
        let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
        // Create async function
        rt.block_on(async {
            let _start = rocket().launch().await;
    // Another code