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Sheets countifs function returning 0 value

I'm trying to work on a google sheets page and count all specific values in a column that are either a 1 or 2 value. I'm basically condensing a survey with a 1-10 range of agreement with questions down to 1-5, "strongly disagree", "mildly disagree", et cetera to rotate those answers to a pivot table and make some pie charts representing the different questions answers.

I'm trying to use the countifs function of "=countifs(B2:B154,"=1",B2:B154,"=2")" but that just keeps returning a value of 0 when there are clearly 1s or 2s as answers. What am I doing wrong, is there a different function I should be using? I'm very new to learning how to use the program.


  • COUNTIFS uses AND. If you want OR logical expression to be used you can use two COUNTIF (without the s)

    =COUNTIF(B2:B154, "=1") + COUNTIF(B2:B154, "=2")