I'm working on PowerShell Module Library that we want to use in our environment to simplify some coding. I'm having small module that read registry values, and I want to do the following Module reads DWORD value, but it should show not only Decimal but also Hex value
Log "Operating System UBR: $(GetDWORDValue "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "UBR" "64")"
Log "Operating System UBR (hex): ($(GetDWORDValue "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "UBR" "64")).ToString('X')"
Output [06/21/2024 14:15:34 - TemplateScript.ps1] Operating System UBR: 3737 [06/21/2024 14:15:34 - TemplateScript.ps1] Operating System UBR (hex): (3737).ToString('X') item in Bold is not correct and should show 'E99'
I've tried various combinations:
Which is basically module that's using Add-Content and as param the text that I'm passing.
Log module
function Log {
param (
$logFolderPath = "C:\Logs"
if ($sAppName -eq $null) {
$sAppName = $scriptName
$logFilePath = Join-Path -Path $logFolderPath -ChildPath "$sAppName.log"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $logFolderPath)) {
New-Item -Path $logFolderPath -ItemType Directory
$sCurTime = Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
$logEntry = "[$sCurTime - $scriptName] $sText"
Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value $logEntry
Any idea/suggestions are welcome Thx!
You need to surround the whole (...).ToString('X')
invocation in a subexpression $(...)
Log "Operating System UBR (hex): $((GetDWORDValue "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "UBR" "64").ToString('X'))"
You can also use a single pipeline by having ForEach-Object
invoke the ToString
method, like so:
Log "Operating System UBR (hex): $(GetDWORDValue "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "UBR" "64" |ForEach-Object ToString 'X')"
Makes it slightly more readable without the double parens :)