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Dynamic tag class in Angular17+

My navbar doesn't react on page change

My app.component.html


This tag starts my navbar.component.html segment

<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md justify-content-center" + {{navType}}>

If it matters here is the idea on the component page
navType: string = "nav-other";

    if (this.router.url === '') { 
      this.navType = "navbar navbar-expand-md justify-content-center nav-splash";

The following were tried:

<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md justify-content-center + {{navType}}">
<nav [ngClass]={{navType}}> // With full class exchanged for editing one word
<nav [ngClass]="navType"> // With full class exchanged for editing one word


  • You need to use Angular's Router to listen for route changes and then update your navType.

    ngOnInit() { => {
          if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) {
            if (event.url === '' || event.url === '/') {
              this.navType = 'nav-splash';
            } else {
              this.navType = 'nav-other';
    <nav class="..." [ngClass]="navType"></nav>

    Check this example on stackblitz