Using WinUi 3 I am trying to allow a user to add data to an SQLite database by the way of controls on a page. In this particular case I have 2 text boxes whose text value I send to a RelayCommand when a button is clicked.
My issue is it seems that only one CommandParamter can be set and so currently I can only send one of the textboxes' values. Is there a way to send the values of multiple controls at once?
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="First Name"/>
<TextBox x:Name="firstNameBox" Header="First Name" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="Last Name"/>
<TextBox x:Name="lastNameBox" Header="Last Name" />
<Button Content="New User" Margin="16" Command="{x:Bind ViewModel.AddParticipantCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding Text, ElementName=firstNameBox}"/>
View Model
public partial class ParticipantViewModel: ObservableObject
RecipeDBContext context;
private ObservableCollection<Participant> _participants;
public ParticipantViewModel()
context = new RecipeDBContext();
_participants = new ObservableCollection<Participant>();
_participants.CollectionChanged += this.OnCollectionChanged;
public void UpdateParticipants(List<Participant> participants)
foreach (Participant participant in participants)
public void AddParticipant(object o)
if (o != null)
void OnCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) {}
public partial class Participant: ObservableObject
RecipeDBContext context;
public int Id { get; set; }
private string _firstName;
private string _lastName;
public Participant()
context = new RecipeDBContext();
Let me show you one way to do this with a simple sample code using Function Bindings:
public record PersonName(string FirstName, string LastName);
public partial class SomeViewModel : ObservableObject
private string _fullName = string.Empty;
public static PersonName CreatePersonName(string firstName, string lastName) => new(firstName, lastName);
private void Register(PersonName personName)
FullName = $"{personName.FirstName} {personName.LastName}";
Text="John" />
Text="Doe" />
Command="{x:Bind ViewModel.RegisterCommand}"
CommandParameter="{x:Bind local:SomeViewModel.CreatePersonName(FirstNameTextBox.Text, LastNameTextBox.Text), Mode=OneWay}"
Content="Register" />
<TextBlock Text="{x:Bind ViewModel.FullName, Mode=OneWay}" />