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how to set new color for legacy google map marker

I'm using a legacy version of google maps.

I set up my markers like this, using Json data to fill in the variables:

var marker = createMarker(marker_id, point, course_name, phone, holes, ninefee, eightteenfee, ninefee_weekend, eightteenfee_weekend, ninefee_cart, eightteenfee_cart, teetimes, notes, map);

function createMarker(marker_id, point, course_name, phone, holes, ninefee, eightteenfee, ninefee_weekend, eightteenfee_weekend, ninefee_cart, eightteenfee_cart, teetimes, notes, map) {
        var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
          id: marker_id,
          position: point,
          map: map,
          icon: {
            path: "M128 0L416 128 175.5 234.9c.4 1.6 .5 3.3 .5 5.1v84.8c25.2-3.1 52.1-4.8 80-4.8c141.4 0 256 43 256 96s-114.6 96-256 96S0 469 0 416c0-35.5 51.5-66.6 128-83.2V256 240 0zm96 448c35.3 0 64-14.3 64-32s-28.7-32-64-32s-64 14.3-64 32s28.7 32 64 32z",
            scale: 0.05,
            strokeWeight: 0.2,
            strokeColor: '#000000',
            strokeOpacity: 1,
            fillColor: '#08755F',
            fillOpacity: 1

Now I'd like to reset the color on mouseover, but it isn't working:

google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "mouseover", function() {
    marker.set("fillColor","#000000"); //nothing happens

I don't get any errors, but nothing happens. How do I set the color of the marker?


  • The fillColor belongs to the icon. Get the icon from the marker with marker.getIcon() change it then set it back on the marker:

    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "mouseover", function() {
        var icon = marker.getIcon(); // get icon
        icon.fillColor="#000000";    // change its color
        marker.setIcon(icon);        // set it back on the marker
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "mouseout", function() {
        var icon = marker.getIcon();

    proof of concept fiddle

    working code snippet:

    function initMap() {
      const map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
        zoom: 10,
        center: { lat: -33.9, lng: 151.2 },
    // Data for the markers consisting of a name, a LatLng and a zIndex for the
    // order in which these markers should display on top of each other.
    const beaches = [
      ["Bondi Beach", -33.890542, 151.274856, 4],
      ["Coogee Beach", -33.923036, 151.259052, 5],
      ["Cronulla Beach", -34.028249, 151.157507, 3],
      ["Manly Beach", -33.80010128657071, 151.28747820854187, 2],
      ["Maroubra Beach", -33.950198, 151.259302, 1],
    function setMarkers(map) {
      for (let i = 0; i < beaches.length; i++) {
        const beach = beaches[i];
    var marker = createMarker(i, { lat: beach[1], lng: beach[2] }, "name", "phone", "holes", "ninefee", "eightteenfee", "ninefee_weekend", "eightteenfee_weekend", "ninefee_cart", "eightteenfee_cart", "teetimes", "notes", map);
    function createMarker(marker_id, point, course_name, phone, holes, ninefee, eightteenfee, ninefee_weekend, eightteenfee_weekend, ninefee_cart, eightteenfee_cart, teetimes, notes, map) {
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
              id: marker_id,
              position: point,
              map: map,
              icon: {
                path: "M128 0L416 128 175.5 234.9c.4 1.6 .5 3.3 .5 5.1v84.8c25.2-3.1 52.1-4.8 80-4.8c141.4 0 256 43 256 96s-114.6 96-256 96S0 469 0 416c0-35.5 51.5-66.6 128-83.2V256 240 0zm96 448c35.3 0 64-14.3 64-32s-28.7-32-64-32s-64 14.3-64 32s28.7 32 64 32z",
                scale: 0.05,
                strokeWeight: 0.2,
                strokeColor: '#000000',
                strokeOpacity: 1,
                fillColor: '#08755F',
                fillOpacity: 1
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "mouseover", function() {
        var icon = marker.getIcon(); //nothing happens
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "mouseout", function() {
        var icon = marker.getIcon(); //nothing happens
    window.initMap = initMap;
     * Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div element
     * that contains the map. 
    #map {
      height: 100%;
     * Optional: Makes the sample page fill the window. 
    body {
      height: 100%;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
    <!doctype html>
        <title>Complex Marker Icons</title>
        <script src=""></script>
        <!-- jsFiddle will insert css and js -->
        <div id="map"></div>
          The `defer` attribute causes the script to execute after the full HTML
          document has been parsed. For non-blocking uses, avoiding race conditions,
          and consistent behavior across browsers, consider loading using Promises. See

          for more information.