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nginx-openresty rewrite_by_lua_block and ngx.req.set_uri redirects to a file instead of location

I'm trying to use a rewrite in nginx-openresty following a simple example:

location /test 
   rewrite_by_lua_block { ngx.req.set_uri("/authgp") } 

location /authgp {

When I invoke /test, nginx try to find a file named: [error] 35890#5234410: *1 open() "/opt/ho.../auth instead of forwarding to location /authgp as the example says.

How can I tell nginx-openresty not to try to resolve a file but a location?

Thanks! Fernando


  • TL;DR: use ngx.req.set_uri("/authgp", true) (add the second true argument)


    syntax: ngx.req.set_uri(uri, jump?, binary?)

    The optional boolean jump argument can trigger location rematch (or location jump) as ngx_http_rewrite_module's rewrite directive[...]

    For example, the following Nginx config snippet

    rewrite ^ /foo last;

    can be coded in Lua like this:

    ngx.req.set_uri("/foo", true)

    Similarly, Nginx config

    rewrite ^ /foo break;

    can be coded in Lua as

    ngx.req.set_uri("/foo", false)

    or equivalently,



    stops processing the current set of ngx_http_rewrite_module directives and starts a search for a new location matching the changed URI;


    stops processing the current set of ngx_http_rewrite_module directives as with the break directive; (Emphasis added)

    Syntax: break;

    Stops processing the current set of ngx_http_rewrite_module directives.

    If a directive is specified inside the location, further processing of the request continues in this location. (Emphasis added)

    Since you use set_uri inside the location block (location /test), with jump = false (the default value) “further processing of the request continues in this location.” (this location = the location /test block).