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Getting '... scanned from multiple locations..' while starting jetty service

I am trying to start jetty servlet container with WAR file in webapps folder and I am getting errors shown below.

2024-06-17 08:47:36.903:WARN:oeja.AnnotationParser:qtp16997927-9: 
  org.apache.taglibs.standard.tlv.JstlXmlTLV$Handler scanned from multiple locations: 

This is part of errors I found in log file. Currently, I am using Linux Debian, Jetty 9, openJDK 8 JRE HEADLESS and I've got the WAR file from someone else(means I did not developed the web). I've installed http, apache-jsp, websocket, console-capture, jstl, deploy modules to start jetty service and sometimes it works fine, and sometimes errors above comes up.

My question :is it necessary for me to use maven plugin to build WAR file again or is there a way to manage this problem?

  1. There is pom.xml file in WAR file path META-INF/maven/ and I've tried editing the file so that i can exclude some jar file that is clashing.
  2. I've tried deleting some jar files that is clashing in WAR file. Jetty started without problem but the web did not shown properly


  • This has been answered before.

    It points to a situation that can (and will) lead to behavioral problems and bugs.

    See past answers on these question for more details.