I have a SignalR service that uses IHostedService
to access SignalR on Azure. I'm trying to implement a Negotiate function that returns SignalRConnectionInfo
. Problem is i need to pass the UserId into the ConnectionInfo but i don't know it yet when filling in parameters. I'm using .NET 8 in Isolated mode and following these Microsoft docs.
public static string Negotiate([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous)] HttpRequestData req,
[SignalRConnectionInfoInput(HubName = "SomeHub", UserId = "????")] string connectionInfo)
Guid userId = // Get userId from database
await signalRService.AddUserToGroupAll(userId);
return connectionInfo; // How to get this when i don't know UserId in the parameters yet??
public class SignalRService(IConfiguration configuration)
private ServiceHubContext _messageHubContext;
public async Task AddUserToGroupAll(Guid userId)
await _messageHubContext.Groups.AddToGroupAsync(userId.ToString(), /** groupname **/);
#region IHostService Functions
async Task IHostedService.StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
using ServiceManager serviceManager = new ServiceManagerBuilder()
.WithOptions(o => o.ConnectionString = configuration[ConfigurationConstants.AzureSignalRConnectionString])
_messageHubContext = await serviceManager.CreateHubContextAsync("SomeHub", cancellationToken);
public async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await _messageHubContext.DisposeAsync();
My question is how do i return SignalRConnectionInfo
in this case?
has a method called NegotiateAsync
to which you can pass NegotiationOptions
. You can set the UserId
in there.
For example:
var negotiationResponse = await _serviceHubContext.NegotiateAsync(new NegotiationOptions {
UserId = userId.ToString()
var connInfo = new SignalRConnectionInfo {
AccessToken = negotiationResponse.AccessToken,
Url = negotiationResponse.Url
And now you have your negotiated info with UserId.