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How to Configure Container App Job to use Accurate KEDA

We are having some difficulty figuring out how to configure the auto scale rules on our Azure Container App Job to use the "accurate" calculation method vs the default when determining the number of replicas needed to process a given queue length. The problem lies in that our replicas perform long running jobs and pull an item off the queue as soon as the container spins up. (We do not leave the items in the queue in a locked state)

Each running container may run for 20 to 60 minutes given the amount tasks that need to be performed. When the scaler evaluates the queue length again (say in 1 minute) the queue may have received 2 new items but since there are already two replicas running (processing 2 previous items from 20 minutes ago) it actually thinks the two active replicas are for the 2 items currently sitting in the queue which is not the case. The "accurate" calculation method is supposed to be a simple 1 to 1. One item in the queue would spin up 1 replica without any assumption that a running replica is for an existing item in the queue.

The MS documentation here states that we should be able to take full advantage of any of the ScaledObject base KEDA scalers.

enter image description here

The following is an example of our current Scale Rule which looks at the queue length and works only as described above.

enter image description here

Could use some ideas in configuring this to be a 1 to 1 queue item to replica.



  • To use an "accurate" calculation method for auto-scaling with KEDA, you can set up a custom scaling rule like this

    kind: ScaledObject
      name: azure-servicebus-queue-scaler
      namespace: default
        kind: Deployment
        name: myapp
      pollingInterval: 30  
      cooldownPeriod: 300  
      minReplicaCount: 1   
      maxReplicaCount: 100  
      - type: azure-servicebus
          namespace: "amarServiceBusNamespace"
          queueName: "workflow_activity_output_queue"
          messageCount: "1"  # Trigger scale-out when there is at least 1 message
          name: azure-servicebus-auth  # Reference to the authentication secret

    Just ensure that the messageCount should be set to 1 to ensure each message triggers a new replica and you provide the queueName where your messages are stored.

    Create a trigger authentication

    kind: TriggerAuthentication
      name: azure-servicebus-auth
      namespace: default
        - parameter: connection
          name: servicebus-secret
          key: connectionString

    enter image description here

    But before this you need to create a az servicebus namespace create --resource-group arkorg --name amarServiceBusNamespace --location eastus --sku Standard

    enter image description here

    and a queue

    az servicebus queue create --resource-group arkorg --namespace-name amarServiceBusNamespace --name workflow_activity_output_queue

    enter image description here

    and deploy your keda

    helm install keda kedacore/keda --namespace keda --create-namespace

    enter image description here

    As you have already shared in your question, the container app scaling example section remains the same i.e. to use this ScaledObject for scaling, and the connection string is correctly stored in the specified secret.

    az servicebus namespace authorization-rule keys list --resource-group arkorg --namespace-name amarServiceBusNamespace --name RootManageSharedAccessKey --query primaryConnectionString --output tsv

    enter image description here

    kubectl create secret generic servicebus-secret --from-literal=connectionString="sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=abcdefghijklmnop=" -n default

    enter image description here
