Search code examples

How to get the info from the hoverbox?

I'm making a python web scrapper for MyAnimeList

So basically if you go onto the website, and if you hover onto a title of an anime. It'll pop up a hover window which gives out a brief details of this anime.

I'm trying to use request and beautifulsoup4 module to get the html of the hoverwindow. Specifically, I want my program to grab the Genres for each anime on that page and possibly put them into a list.

How do I do that?

The html for a genre will go like this(Every genre is the subclass of detail)

<span class="dark_text">Genres:</span>
The genre for the anime

When I use:


It returns nothing.


  • Try:

    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    url = ""
    hover_url = "{}/hover"
    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
    for a in"h3 > a[id]"):
        title = a.text
        id_ = a["id"].removeprefix("#area")
        soup2 = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(hover_url.format(id_)).content, "html.parser")
        for span in"span.dark_text"):
            print(span.text, span.find_next_sibling(string=True).get_text(strip=True))
        print("-" * 80)


    Hunter x Hunter (2011)                                                                                   
    Genres: Action,         Adventure,         Fantasy
    Demographic: Shounen              
    Status: Finished Airing                                                                                  
    Type: TV                         
    Episodes: 148                    
    Score: 9.03                                                                                              
    Ranked: #8                                  
    Popularity: #9                              
    Members: 2,853,222                                                                                       
    Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu                                                                                     
    Genres: Drama,         Sci-Fi                    
    Themes: Adult Cast,         Military,         Space
    Status: Finished Airing                                                                                  
    Type: OVA                                                                                                
    Episodes: 110                                
    Score: 9.02                                                                                              
    Ranked: #9                        
    Popularity: #746                  
    Members: 324,593                                                                                         