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Snowflake SQLAlchemy - Dynamically created column with Timestamp?

This is a follow-up question to my previous one.

Snowflake SQLAlchemy - Create table with Timestamp?

I am dynamically creating columns and I have this schema.

I need the "my_time_stamp" column to have the server default.

json_cls_schema = {
    "clsname": "MyClass",
    "tablename": "my_table",
    "columns": [
        {"name": "id", "type": "integer", "is_pk": True, "is_auto" : True},
        {"name": "my_time_stamp", "type": "timestamp", 'serverdefault': text('current_timestamp')}

How would I set so that the code below generates this column.

my_time_stamp = Column(TIMESTAMP,server_default=text('current_timestamp()'))

Right now I am getting the error TypeError: Object of type TextClause is not JSON serializable and the dictionary I am generating this column from looks like this.

{'name': 'my_time_stamp', 'type': 'timestamp', 'serverdefault': <sqlalchemy.sql.elements.TextClause object at 0x000001B57664F560>}


_type_lookup = {
    "integer": Integer,
    "timestamp": TIMESTAMP,


def mapping_for_json(json_cls_schema):
    clsdict = {"__tablename__": json_cls_schema["tablename"]}

                    _type_lookup[rec["type"]], primary_key=rec.get("is_pk", False),
                    autoincrement=rec.get("is_auto", False), server_default=rec.get("serverdefault", '')
            for rec in json_cls_schema["columns"]

    return type(json_cls_schema["clsname"], (Base,), clsdict)


  • The (implicit) problem here is that json_cls_schema, as the name suggests, can be expected to be serialised to and deserialised from JSON, but sqlalchemy.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') cannot be directly serialised to JSON.

    The general solution for unserialisable objects is to define a custom function that will serialise the object. When it comes to deserialisation. the set of objects that we might encounter in a table definition is large, but finite, so object hooks provide a solution. All this is described in the docs for the json module in the standard library.

    import json
    from pprint import pprint
    import sqlalchemy as sa
    def default(o):
        """Serialise TextClause objects to JSON."""
        if isinstance(o, sa.TextClause):
            # Use a unique key to allow the hook to identify TextClauses.
            return {
                '__text__': {
                    'text': o.text,
        raise TypeError(f'Object of type {type(o.__name__)} is not JSON serializable')
    def as_text(dict_):
        """Identify serialised TextClause objects and deserialise them."""
        if '__text__' in dict_:
            text = dict_['__text__']['text']
            return sa.text(text)
        return dict_
    # Pass the serialisation function to json.dump(s).
    serialised_schema = json.dumps(json_cls_schema, default=default)
    # Pass the deserialisation object hook function to json.load(s).
    deserialised_schema = json.loads(serialised_schema, object_hook=as_text)


    {'clsname': 'MyClass',
     'columns': [{'is_auto': True, 'is_pk': True, 'name': 'id', 'type': 'integer'},
                 {'name': 'my_time_stamp',
                  'serverdefault': <sqlalchemy.sql.elements.TextClause object at 0x7678facc6f90>,
                  'type': 'timestamp'}],
     'tablename': 'my_table'}