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I don't understand why a simple JoinTable is this slow with Spring boot compared to SQL JOIN TABLE

I have two really simple JPA Spring Entities : Farm and Coordinates

@Table(name = "farms")
public class FarmEntity {

    Long id;

    @Column(name = "categorie")
    String categorie;

    @Column(name = "nom")
    String nom;

    @Column(name = "description")
    String description;
    @JoinColumn(name = "id")
    Coordinates coordinate;



@Table(name = "coordinates")
public class Coordinates {

    Long id;

    @Column(name = "type")
    String type;

    @Column(name = "lat")
    String lat;

    @Column(name = "lon")
    String lon;


I have about 16k rows in my postgres database,

When im fetching data from JPA Repository -> 200OK 8.34 s 6.56 MB

When im doing a simple JOIN TABLE in sql

FROM farms f
INNER JOIN coordinates c  ON =;
  • 16509 row(s) fetched in 0.037s (0.012s fetch)

Why is there this HUUUGE difference between OneToOne and my JOIN table in SQL ?

Maybe there is a better way to implement this in my entities but i dont find anything even in spring documentations

Thanks for any help or explainations :)


  • I found out everything.

    Hibernates was creating a select statement for each entity in the request, i was loosing performance in transaction time.

    To fetch everything in once, you can use the annotation @EntityGraph

    I added this in my repository

    @EntityGraph(attributePaths = "coordinate")
    @Query("SELECT f FROM FarmEntity f INNER JOIN CoordinatesEntity c ON =")
    List<FarmEntity> findAllFarms();

    From 8s to 300ms 😉