Search code examples

Multiple case and conditions

I have two tables like this:

collection_id added_on edited_on
1 2024-06-19 20:16:41 null
2 2024-06-19 20:17:42 null
3 2024-06-19 20:17:57 null


detail_id collection detail_type detail_value
1 1 title Book title 1
2 1 author John Doe
3 1 publisher Publisher A
4 2 title Book title 2
5 2 author Jane Doe
6 3 title Book title 3
7 3 author John Doe
8 3 publisher Publisher B

First table is the main table for storing my book collection's ID, and the second table is the collection's details with foreign key 'collection' related to the first table.

I wanted to get the title and author for each book, so I tried:

    (case when detail_type = 'title' then detail_value end) as title, 
    (case when detail_type = 'author' then detail_value end) as author
left join 
    collection_details on collections.collection_id = collection_details.collection
    detail_type = 'title' or detail_type = 'author';

The result is:

collection_id title author
1 Book title 1 [null]
1 [null] John Doe
2 Book title 2 [null]
2 [null] Jane Doe
3 Book title 3 [null]
3 [null] John Doe

What I actually expected is:

collection_id title author
1 Book title 1 John Doe
2 Book title 2 Jane Doe
3 Book title 3 John Doe

How can I get that desired result with only one query?


  • One option would be using FILTER clause.

    SELECT  c.collection_id,
            MAX(cd.detail_value) FILTER (WHERE cd.detail_type = 'title') AS title,
            MAX(cd.detail_value) FILTER (WHERE cd.detail_type = 'author') AS author
    FROM collections c
    LEFT JOIN collection_details cd ON c.collection_id = cd.collection 
    GROUP BY c.collection_id
    ORDER BY c.collection_id asc;

    Alternatively you could use a subquery to get the author and book title

    SELECT collection_id, book_author,book_title
    FROM collections c
    LEFT JOIN  (SELECT collection,
                      MAX(CASE WHEN detail_type = 'author' THEN detail_value END) AS book_author ,
                      MAX(CASE WHEN detail_type = 'title' THEN detail_value END) AS book_title 
               FROM  collection_details 
               GROUP BY collection 
             ) cd on cd.collection=c.collection_id
    ORDER BY collection_id asc;

    See example