I have a scrolledwindow as part of an application I've designed in Glade. I don't want to create the child object in Glade though, I want to create it and add it in the code directly.
When I try to do this though, I get a weird result where the whole scrolledwindow is just blank.
Here I've added a TreeView widget, but the same thing happens if I add a TextView, or presumably something else. You can see the scrollbars on the sides, so I'm sure rows are getting added.
Here's what it looks like when I add a TreeView widget in Glade.
There's nothing there, because I didn't add anything to it, but it's more like what you'd expect. A blank window.
Is there some setting I'm missing so that I can just leave it childless?
I found out that if I call scrolledwindow.hide()
before I add a child, it works. So something like
self.scrolled_window = builder.get_object('scrolledwindow1')
tv = gtk.TreeView()
will work.