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Display a `Drawable`

I'm working with JetPack Compose and I'm trying to display a Drawable (I want to display icons of other applications installed on the device):

val application: ResolveInfo;
val packageManager = LocalContext.current.packageManager;
val iconDrawable: Drawable = application.activityInfo.loadIcon(packageManager) // What to do with this?

I've been trying

Image(BitmapPainter(iconDrawable.toBitmap().asImageBitmap()), "")

but I get the error

java.lang.IllegalStateException: View needs to be laid out before calling drawToBitmap()

How can I display a Drawable ?


  • Add

    implementation "<version>" 

    and use it like this

    @Composable fun DrawDrawable() {
            painter = rememberDrawablePainter(drawable = drawable),
            contentDescription = "Content description"

    For more info refer :