I am wanting to generate 5 blocks of pseudorandom binary sequences (to be stored in a data frame) with the following conditions for each block:
150 0s
25 1s
The sequence cannot begin or end with a 1
1s must be separated by a minimum of one 0 and a maximum of 12 0s.
This is my current (unsuccessful) attempt. The issue here is that I end up with several cases of more than 12 consecutive 0s and this tends to happen at the end of the block. I am not too concerned about the distribution, just the number of 0s that separate 1s.
#> Attaching package: 'EnvStats'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> predict, predict.lm
# variables
lure <- 1
target <- 0
nBlock <- 5
ntrialBlock <- 175
nTrial <- nBlock * ntrialBlock
nLureTrials <- 125
nTargets <- nTrial - nLureTrials
distMean <- 6.23
distSD <- 2.55
distLower <- 1
distUpper <- 12
# create trials and block numbers
block <- rep(1:nBlock, each=ntrialBlock)
trial <- 1:nTrial
# store in data frame for trial matrix
trialMatrix <- data.frame(block, trial)
# pseudorandomisation
nLureTrialsBlock <- nLureTrials/nBlock
lureMatrix <- ddply(trialMatrix, .(block), function(trialMatrix) {
lureMatrix <- data.frame()
blockSum <- 0
blockSet <- data.frame(x = numeric())
blockTotal <- 0
blockAg <- blockSum + (ntrialBlock*(trialMatrix[1,1]-1))
while ((nrow(blockSet) != nLureTrialsBlock) & (blockSum < (ntrialBlock-distUpper))) {
rand_draw <- round(rnorm(1, mean = distMean, sd = distSD))
# Append to array
blockSet[nrow(blockSet) + 1,] <- rand_draw
# Get number of congruent trials in this block
blockSum <- sum(blockSet)
# Get trial numbers which are congruent trials
# Take cumulative sum (keep adding prev trial)
blockTotal <- cumsum(blockSet)
blockAg <- blockSum + (ntrialBlock*(trialMatrix[1,1]-1))
blockSet <- cumsum(blockSet) + (ntrialBlock*(trialMatrix[1,1]-1))
lureMatrix <- rbind(lureMatrix, blockSet)
# store lures in trialMatrix
trialMatrix[lureMatrix$x, "lure"] <- 1
trialMatrix[is.na(trialMatrix)] <- 0
Created on 2024-06-19 with reprex v2.1.0
You can try a "brute force" approach, which doesn't take too long to succeed. The rle
function can be used to determine the length of consecutive values.
data <- data.frame(block=rep(1:5, each=175), trial=seq(1, 175*5))
f <- function(n0, n1) {
x <- c(0,
sample(c(rep(0,148), rep(1,25)), size=173, replace=FALSE),
0) # initial guess
while(any(rle(x)$lengths[which(rle(x)$values==0)] > n0) ||
any(rle(x)$lengths[which(rle(x)$values==1)] > n1)) {
x <- c(0,
sample(c(rep(0,148), rep(1,25)), size=173, replace=FALSE),
data <- dplyr::mutate(data, lure=f(n0=12, n1=1), .by=block)