I'm working with IBM Db2 (Version 11.5) and I'm trying to query JSON data stored in a column named data which contains an array of objects. However, my query using JSON_EXISTS does not return the expected results.
The JSON structure (simplified here) includes an array outerField, and I need to retrieve rows in which an object of outerField exists with innerField equal to "target". However, my query using JSON_EXISTS does not return the expected results.
The simplified JSON data stored in the data column looks like this:
"randomField1": "randomValue",
"innerField": "target"
"innerField": "dummy1"
"innerField": "dummy2"
I would like to use JSON Path, and using an online evaluation tool, I've found that this query should work:
$.outerField[?(@.innerField== "target")].
Given that I can't use directly JSON_VALUE with a json path like:
JSON_VALUE(data, '$.outerField[*].innerField') = 'target'
Since JSON_VALUE expects just a single value (outerField[0].innerFieldworks as expected).
I've thought that I could use Db2's JSON_EXISTS function:
FROM test_entity
'$.outerField[?(@.innerField== "target")]'
That, unfortunately, does not return any rows even though the example JSON clearly shows an object in outerField with innerField equal to "target".
Any ideas or suggestion?
I think the most reasonable solution is to use the JSON_TABLE function to unnest the inner array, but I'm not sure how to proceed. I'm able to use JSON_TABLE on ordinary fields, but with arrays, I'm getting many syntax errors. For instance:
FROM TEST_ENTITY te, JSON_TABLE(te.data, 'lax $.outerField[*]' columns (target VARCHAR(100) PATH 'lax $.innerField') ERROR ON ERROR) AS jt
WHERE jt.innerField= 'target';
This query returns the following error
SQL Error [42601]: An unexpected token "lax $.outerField[*]" was found following "". Expected tokens may include: "strict $".. SQLCODE=-104, SQLSTATE=42601, DRIVER=4.31.10
(Even using strict instead of lax I'm receiving the same error)
Given my frustration with the (bad, really bad) DB2-related documentation, I managed this task in a somewhat "fancy" way.
I’m not sure if this is the best solution, but it works for now. I've figured out that I could use JSON_QUERY to extract and flatten nested arrays in a JSON object.
Just like this:
This query returns:
["targetB"] |
["target"] |
["dummy1"] |
["dummy2"] |
As you can see, the result contains the flattened CLOB of the innerField values for each rows. So I've realized that I could use this approach in the WHERE clause to filter the rows as needed from the beginning.
Here’s the resulting query:
WHERE JSON_QUERY(et.JSONDOC, '$.outerField[*].innerField' WITH UNCONDITIONAL WRAPPER) LIKE '%"target"%'
That returns all the rows with at least one "innerField" equal to the "target" value!
2|{"id" : 901,"firstname" : "John","lastname" : "Doe","phoneno" : "555-3762",¶ "outerField" : [{ "innerField": "target"}]} |
5|{"id" : 901,"firstname" : "John","lastname" : "Doe","phoneno" : "555-3762",¶ "outerField" : [{ "innerField": "target"},{ "innerField": "dummy3"}]}|